Corporate Clients

Strategic Collections, through its subsidiary Commercial Credit Control Pty Ltd, has debt collection contracts with reputable large corporate telecommunications and utilities providers.


Strategic Collections purchases third party debt and also undertakes debt collection for its own commercial customers.


While a number of Australian businesses are moving towards outsourcing their debt collection activities overseas to capitalise on lower labour costs, Strategic Collections believes that keeping its staff within Australia will lead to more successful results and a stronger relationship with its customers.


Strategic Collections intends to grow its business by seeking out new customers such as financial institutions, local government, schools and health service providers e.g. dental and optical, who have introduced alternative payment methods such as payment plans.


Strategic Collections, through Commercial Credit Control, intends to expand its offering to both smaller organisations and established large corporate organisations who wish to outsource their debt collection requirements to an organisation with specialised skills and efficient processes who can collect across all jurisdictions in Australia and New Zealand.

More information coming soon …