We're here to help


Who are Strategic Collections

Strategic Collections wants to help everyday Australians make their debt repayments. Strategic Collections purchases third party debt and undertakes debt collection for commercial customers. Your outstanding accounts, whether it be with a bank, financial institution, or utility provider, have either been assigned to us, or purchased by us. We understand that sometimes things happen, life happens, and falling behind in payments can make it really hard. Strategic Collections can help you get back on track by offering a payment solution tailored to your current financial situation.

Payment plans can be tailored based on your current financial situation.


Our Australian support team is ready to answer your call!

I’ve received a message from Strategic Collections

If you have received any formal communication from Strategic Collections such as a letter, SMS or call – it’s important that you take immediate steps to pay your account or at least create a repayment arrangement in order to avoid any adverse impact on your credit record. Call us on 1300 229 175 and quote your reference number to further discuss your repayment options and to address any concerns you may have.

Strategic Message

Making your payments

We offer flexible payment options to help suit your financial position. To discuss your preferred option, or for any payment queries, please call, SMS or email our office. You can make a payment using our secure online portal or by contacting us directly.


Strategic Collections is an Australian company specialising in a suite of Debt Collection and Debt Management services. Our clients include some of Australia's largest corporations. You can find our contact information, licensing credentials and other details on this website.

Strategic Collections has reached out to you about an overdue account. We are dedicated to helping you find a strategic solution. If you have received any correspondence, please contact us to discuss further at:

  1. Email: [email protected]– please put your SC File Number in the subject line and we will respond promptly.
  2. Call: 1300 949 457

It is really important to read the Default Notice carefully. If you have received a Default Notice, it’s important to contact our Customer Solutions Team on 1300 229 175, even if you cannot pay the full amount due right away.

If you had an overdue account with a company, such as a bank or a phone or internet provider, they may put your account up for sale.
This is common practice in the industry and is referred to as debt assignment. Strategic Collections has purchased your outstanding account, which means it is no longer owned by the company you signed up with. The outstanding amount is now owed to Strategic Collections.

Your original provider or creditor can legally transfer and sell your debt without your permission. When your debt is sold, either the original provider or the purchaser is required to notify you in writing about the sale of your account.

At Strategic Collections, we are committed to finding you a strategic solution! We offer flexible arrangements tailored to your circumstances. Contact us today and let us help find a solution that works for you. If you are short on time, you can also email our friendly team at  [email protected] – please put your SC File Number in the subject line and we will respond promptly.

If you’re not sure, you can contact a credit reporting agency. You are entitled to a free copy of your credit report each year, but they will require some identification to be able to process your request. You can get in touch with a credit reporting agency using the links provided – Equifax at equifax.com.au  / mycreditfile.com.au, or Illion (formerly Dun & Bradstreet) illion.com.au

There are many reasons why your balance may seem larger than you recall. Such reasons include:

  1. Your account may have continued to accrue interest charges over time.
  2. You may have been charged for the remaining repayments on a phone or other device that remained unpaid under your contract.
  3. Your final statement could cover more than the standard 30-day period, including usage charges up to and including the date of disconnection.

If the amount does not look correct, please contact us, and we will investigate it. We can provide the necessary information and documentation to verify the accuracy of your account details.

We try to make ‘making a payment’ as simple as possible – payment portals via our website or through the SMS communications you have received are a great way to make a payment. We also take payments over the phone, and if the office is closed, our phone system has the ability to take you through to a payment system.

It is important to correctly identify you and confirm that you are the right person to speak with. This is due to Australian Privacy Laws, and we take protecting your privacy and personal information very seriously. Please refer to our Privacy Policy on our website for more information.

Don’t worry, you aren’t the only one! It’s actually really simple, you give us a call and we will try and tailor a payment solution for you*. We want to help make it easier for you to pay off this overdue debt and get back on track as quickly as possible.

*Different service providers to which you owe a debt may have specific requirements in respect to the payment options that they will enter into.

At Strategic Collections, we endeavour to help resolve your balance in a way that works. If you have not responded to our letters, emails or SMS's and your debt matter remains unresolved, our team may commence making discreet enquiries to determine your whereabouts or understand your circumstances. These enquiries comply with Australian law, including the privacy regulations. 


It is important that you keep us informed about your situation so that we can work out a solution together.

We do not handle second-hand telephone equipment, and there are limited circumstances where returning the device is possible. Once the contract has ended and the debt has been purchased, returning the device may not be feasible. For further information, please email us at  [email protected] – please put your SC File Number in the subject line and we will assist you accordingly.

Licenced collection agents carry photo identification, which they must show upon request. If you are unsure of their credentials, please contact us. A legitimate agent will not mind waiting for you to confirm their identity.

No, but it is recommended and may be in your best interests to do so. Working with your creditors to reach a mutually acceptable repayment agreement can help prevent the situation from escalating, including negative impacts to your credit record, or possible legal/enforcement action. 

No, please use one of the secure payment methods provided in our official letters, emails, SMS or on our website. Do not pay the field call agent directly. If you are unsure, call or email us.

Creditors have the right to start court proceedings to recover money they are owed. A court judgment allows creditors various enforcement avenues against you. It is generally in your best interest to speak to the creditor who has commenced legal action. By reaching a suitable repayment agreement, they may consider refraining from entering a court judgement against you. This could potentially resolve the matter without further escalation, leading to the discontinuation of any court action.

Your credit default can be updated in one of two ways -

    1. If you have received a discounted offer and you pay the discounted settlement amount, it can be updated to a 'settled' status.
    2. If you finalise your account in full, your credit file will be updated to a 'paid in full' status.

If your debt has not yet been reported on your credit record, agreeing to and maintaining a repayment plan can help us manage your account status and prevent the need for any credit default listings.

If your debt has already been reported on your credit record, there are advantages to repaying your account. Once your debt is settled, we will notify the credit reporting bureaus. Any default listing related to the debt will be updated either paid or settled. This demonstrates that you have fulfilled your contractual obligations and resolved the defaulted contract.